Where . Beauty . Meets . Nature

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Welcome to Lo'eme Australia

Hello I’m Marie and along with my family, we are delighted to welcome you to our Lo’eme Australia family.  I am a Cosmetic Chemist, Wife and Mum to 2 wonderful kids. 

The name Lo’eme comes from my son not being to say his big siter Chloe’s name properly, he called her Lo’e.  As all older siblings do, they send the younger one to ask for what they want and he would come and ask can Lo’e and me, and that is where the name Lo’eme comes from.

We are located in South Australia and our mission is to make you love your skin, naturally.

Australian natural skincare products

Sensitive skin & nut allergies

Our family has sensitive skin and my son William, is allergic to peanuts.  Nut oils are prevalent in skincare, particulary lip products.  Lo’eme Australia was created so that people with sensitive skin and nut allergies have a Cosmetic brand they can choose, but is suitable for all skin types.

best natural skin care products for all skin types


Beauty for all

Winter Must Haves

Get that Summer look with these hand picked Natural Skincare and Natural Mineral Makeup recommendations.